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Late Night Door Guard

ECE153B Proposal

Team Member: Xihan Liu, Joyce Li, Yingchao Zhu
















For this project, we will use the LPC4088 to create a device that senses the distance

between two objects. If there is a certain distance that we don’t expect, the alarm will be


We are imitating a door of a house. At about 12:00am to 5am, the door is not supposed to

be opened. So if the sensor senses the distance that is greater than 0, the alarm should be




• Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)

• Ultrasonic sensor​



Software design:

We will need an ultrasonic sensor to sense the distance between two objects, and connect

this external part to the board, and read the data from the sensor. If the distance is greater than 0

(which represents that the door is open), the speaker will play a given sound or music.



- Be able to check the distance between two objects

- Get data from the ultrasonic sensor

- The speaker will play sounds


Group Responsibilities:

Xihan will focus on connecting the ultrasonic sensor to the board. Yingchao will do the code

part. Joyce will focus on making the speaker work.



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